Module select :: Class SelectMainLoop
[hide private]

Class SelectMainLoop

Main event loop implementation based on the call.
Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from interfaces.MainLoop: __metaclass__

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, settings=None, handlers=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
_add_io_handler(self, handler)
Add an I/O handler to the loop.
_remove_io_handler(self, handler)
Remove an IOHandler from the loop.
loop_iteration(self, timeout=60)
A loop iteration - check any scheduled events and I/O available and run the handlers.
Prepare the I/O handlers.

Inherited from base.MainLoopBase: add_handler, check_events, loop, quit, remove_handler

Inherited from interfaces.MainLoop: delayed_call

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from base.MainLoopBase: __abstractmethods__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from base.MainLoopBase: finished, started

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, settings=None, handlers=None)

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

_add_io_handler(self, handler)

Add an I/O handler to the loop.
Overrides: base.MainLoopBase._add_io_handler

_remove_io_handler(self, handler)

Remove an IOHandler from the loop.
Overrides: base.MainLoopBase._remove_io_handler
(inherited documentation)

loop_iteration(self, timeout=60)

A loop iteration - check any scheduled events and I/O available and run the handlers.
  • timeout - maximum time (in seconds) to block for
Overrides: interfaces.MainLoop.loop_iteration


Prepare the I/O handlers.
(readable, writable, timeout) tuple. 'readable' is the list of readable handlers, 'writable' - the list of writable handlers, 'timeout' the suggested maximum timeout for this loop iteration or None