Package pyxmpp2 :: Module stanza :: Class Stanza
[hide private]

Class Stanza

Base class for all XMPP stanzas.
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, element, from_jid=None, to_jid=None, stanza_type=None, stanza_id=None, error=None, error_cond=None, return_path=None, language=None)
Initialize a Stanza object.
Decode attributes of the stanza XML element and put them into the stanza properties.
Decode error element of the stanza.
Create a deep copy of the stanza.
Serialize the stanza into a Unicode XML string.
Return the XML stanza representation.
Return the XML stanza representation.
decode_payload(self, specialize=False)
Decode payload from the element passed to the stanza constructor.
Mark the stanza 'dirty' so the XML representation will be re-built the next time it is requested.
set_payload(self, payload)
Set stanza payload to a single item.
add_payload(self, payload)
Add new the stanza payload.
list of StanzaPayload
get_all_payload(self, specialize=False)
Return list of stanza payload objects.
get_payload(self, payload_class, payload_key=None, specialize=False)
Get the first payload item matching the given class and optional key.

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
Generate stanza id unique for the session.
Class Variables [hide private]
  element_name = 'Unknown'
  last_id = 238811
Instance Variables [hide private]
pyxmpp2.error.StanzaErrorElement _error
error associated a stanza of type "error"
unicode _namespace
namespace of this stanza element
list of (unicode, StanzaPayload) _payload
the stanza payload
weakref to StanzaRoute _return_path
weak reference to the return route object
Properties [hide private]
JID from_jid
Source JID of the stanza.
JID to_jid
Destination JID of the stanza.
unicode stanza_type
Stanza type, one of: "get", "set", "result" or "error".
unicode stanza_id
Stanza id.
StanzaErrorElement error
Stanza error element.
StanzaRoute return_path
Stream the stanza was received from.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, element, from_jid=None, to_jid=None, stanza_type=None, stanza_id=None, error=None, error_cond=None, return_path=None, language=None)

Initialize a Stanza object.
  • element (unicode or ElementTree.Element) - XML element of this stanza, or element name for a new stanza. If element is given it must not be modified later, unless decode_payload() and mark_dirty() methods are called first (the element changes won't affec the stanza then).
  • from_jid (JID) - sender JID.
  • to_jid (JID) - recipient JID.
  • stanza_type (unicode) - staza type: one of: "get", "set", "result" or "error".
  • stanza_id (unicode) - stanza id -- value of stanza's "id" attribute. If not given, then unique for the session value is generated.
  • error (pyxmpp.error.StanzaErrorElement) - error object. Ignored if stanza_type is not "error".
  • error_cond (unicode) - error condition name. Ignored if stanza_type is not "error" or error is not None.
  • return_path (StanzaRoute) - route for sending responses to this stanza. Will be weakly referenced.
  • language (unicode) - default language for the stanza content
Overrides: object.__init__


Serialize the stanza into a Unicode XML string.
Returns: unicode
serialized stanza.



Return the XML stanza representation.

Always return an independent copy of the stanza XML representation, which can be freely modified without affecting the stanza.

Returns: ElementTree.Element



Return the XML stanza representation.

This returns the original or cached XML representation, which may be much more efficient than as_xml.

Result of this function should never be modified.

Returns: ElementTree.Element

decode_payload(self, specialize=False)


Decode payload from the element passed to the stanza constructor.

Iterates over stanza children and creates StanzaPayload objects for them. Called automatically by get_payload() and other methods that access the payload.

For the Stanza class stanza namespace child elements will also be included as the payload. For subclasses these are no considered payload.



Mark the stanza 'dirty' so the XML representation will be re-built the next time it is requested.

This should be called each time the payload attached to the stanza is modifed.

set_payload(self, payload)


Set stanza payload to a single item.

All current stanza content of will be dropped. Marks the stanza dirty.


add_payload(self, payload)


Add new the stanza payload.

Marks the stanza dirty.


get_all_payload(self, specialize=False)

Return list of stanza payload objects.
  • specialize - If True, then return objects of specialized StanzaPayload classes whenever possible, otherwise the representation already available will be used (often XMLPayload)
Returns: list of StanzaPayload

get_payload(self, payload_class, payload_key=None, specialize=False)


Get the first payload item matching the given class and optional key.

Payloads may be addressed using a specific payload class or via the generic XMLPayload element, though the XMLPayload representation is available only as long as the element is not requested by a more specific type.

  • payload_class (StanzaPayload) - requested payload class, a subclass of StanzaPayload. If None get the first payload in whatever class is available.
  • payload_key - optional key for additional match. When used with payload_class = XMLPayload this selects the element to match
  • specialize (bool) - If True, and payload_class is None then return object of a specialized StanzaPayload subclass whenever possible
Returns: StanzaPayload
payload element found or None

Class Method

Generate stanza id unique for the session.
the new id.

Property Details [hide private]


Source JID of the stanza.
Get Method:
unreachable.from_jid(self) - Source JID of the stanza.
Set Method:
unreachable.from_jid(self, from_jid)


Destination JID of the stanza.
Get Method:
unreachable.to_jid(self) - Destination JID of the stanza.
Set Method:
unreachable.to_jid(self, to_jid)


Stanza type, one of: "get", "set", "result" or "error".
Get Method:
unreachable.stanza_type(self) - Stanza type, one of: "get", "set", "result" or "error".
Set Method:
unreachable.stanza_type(self, stanza_type)


Stanza id.
Get Method:
unreachable.stanza_id(self) - Stanza id.
Set Method:
unreachable.stanza_id(self, stanza_id)


Stanza error element.
Get Method:
unreachable.error(self) - Stanza error element.
Set Method:
unreachable.error(self, error)


Stream the stanza was received from.
Get Method:
unreachable.return_path(self) - Stream the stanza was received from.