Package pyxmpp2 :: Module streamsasl :: Class DefaultPasswordManager
[hide private]

Class DefaultPasswordManager

Default password manager.
Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from sasl.core.PasswordManager: __metaclass__

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, settings)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
set_stream(self, stream)
Set a stream associated with this password manager.
unicode,`str` tuple.
get_password(self, username, realm=None, acceptable_formats=('plain'))
Get the password for user authentication.
check_authzid(self, authzid, extra_info=None)
Check authorization id provided by the client.
list of unicode
Get realms available for client authentication.
choose_realm(self, realm_list)
Choose authentication realm from the list provided by the server.
Get the server name for SASL authentication.
Get the service name for SASL authentication.
Get the service host name for SASL authentication.

Inherited from sasl.core.PasswordManager: check_password, generate_nonce

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from sasl.core.PasswordManager: __abstractmethods__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, settings)

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

set_stream(self, stream)

Set a stream associated with this password manager.

get_password(self, username, realm=None, acceptable_formats=('plain'))


Get the password for user authentication.

[both client or server]

If stream initiator: return the value of the "password" setting if username patches the "username" setting or local jid localpart.

If stream receiver - lookup the password in the "user_passwords" setting.

  • username (unicode) - the username for which the password is requested.
  • realm (unicode) - the authentication realm for which the password is requested.
  • acceptable_formats (sequence of str) - a sequence of acceptable formats of the password data. Could be "plain", "md5:user:realm:password" or any other mechanism-specific encoding. This allows non-plain-text storage of passwords. But only "plain" format will work with all password authentication mechanisms.
Returns: unicode,`str` tuple.
the password and its encoding (format).
Overrides: sasl.core.PasswordManager.get_password

check_authzid(self, authzid, extra_info=None)


Check authorization id provided by the client.

[server only]

Allow only no authzid or authzid equal to current username@domain

  • authzid (unicode) - authorization id provided.
  • extra_info (mapping) - additional information about the user from the authentication backend. This mapping will usually contain at least 'username' item.
Returns: bool
True if user is authorized to use that authzid.
Overrides: sasl.core.PasswordManager.check_authzid



Get realms available for client authentication.

[server only]

Returns: list of unicode
list of realms.
Overrides: sasl.core.PasswordManager.get_realms

choose_realm(self, realm_list)


Choose authentication realm from the list provided by the server.

[client only]

Use domain of the own JID if no realm list was provided or the domain is on the list or the first realm on the list otherwise.

  • realm_list (list of unicode) - realm list provided by the server.
Returns: unicode
the realm chosen.
Overrides: sasl.core.PasswordManager.choose_realm


Get the server name for SASL authentication.
Returns: unicode
Overrides: sasl.core.PasswordManager.get_serv_type


Get the service name for SASL authentication.
Returns: unicode
domain of the own JID.
Overrides: sasl.core.PasswordManager.get_serv_name


Get the service host name for SASL authentication.
Returns: unicode
domain of the own JID.
Overrides: sasl.core.PasswordManager.get_serv_host