Package pyxmpp2 :: Module error :: Class StanzaErrorElement
[hide private]

Class StanzaErrorElement

Stanza error element.
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, element_or_cond, text=None, language=None, error_type=None)
Initialize an StanzaErrorElement object.
_from_xml(self, element)
Initialize an ErrorElement object from an XML element.
Get the standard English message for the error.
as_xml(self, stanza_namespace=None)
Return the XML error representation.

Inherited from ErrorElement: add_custom_condition, serialize

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  error_qname = '{jabber:client}error'
  text_qname = '{jabber:client}text'
  cond_qname_prefix = '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}'
Instance Variables [hide private]
unicode error_type
'type' of the error, one of: 'auth', 'cancel', 'continue', 'modify', 'wait'

Inherited from ErrorElement: condition, custom_condition, language, text

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from ErrorElement: condition_name

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, element_or_cond, text=None, language=None, error_type=None)

Initialize an StanzaErrorElement object.
  • element_or_cond (ElementTree.Element or unicode) - XML <error/> element to decode or an error condition name or element.
  • text (unicode) - optional description to override the default one
  • language (unicode) - RFC 3066 language tag for the description
  • error_type (unicode) - 'type' of the error, one of: 'auth', 'cancel', 'continue', 'modify', 'wait'
Overrides: object.__init__

_from_xml(self, element)

Initialize an ErrorElement object from an XML element.
Overrides: ErrorElement._from_xml


Get the standard English message for the error.
Returns: unicode
the error message.

as_xml(self, stanza_namespace=None)

Return the XML error representation.
  • stanza_namespace (unicode) - namespace URI of the containing stanza
Returns: ElementTree.Element
Overrides: ErrorElement.as_xml